In Depth

Additional Projects

  •  3 Game Jams
  •  5 Additional Projects

Car Simulator - VR Project

Car Simulator SetupHardware setup for testing the stimuli.


    Role: Technical Designer
    Engine: Unreal Engine 5
    Platforms: MS Windows 11
    Duration: 3 weeks
    Team Size: 1 members

    Description: The VR car simulator is a project developed individually as stimuli for a study at Tilburg University. The study aimed to discover whether realism via a feeling of presence might mediate higher stress levels in a plausible moral dilemma inside VR.

    My contribution:
    • Solo-developed the stimuli as seen in the trailer, while the entire study was conducted with a group of six people.
    • Integration of the Logitech Wingman Force 3D into Unreal Engine 5 while using Windows 11 proved challenging but resulted in high levels of presence among the participants.
    • Assets used were acquired from several asset packs and plugins. However, several things were optimized and altered to make the experience suitable for VR.

Reptoads - Custom Engine Project

Reptoads Banner


    Role(s): UI/UX Designer
    Engine: Tomorrow Engine (custom engine)
    Platform(s): MS Windows | PS4
    Duration: 8 weeks
    Team Size: 25 members

    Description: "Reptoads" is a co-op PVP and PvE card game. Within Reptoads players must work together to fight against different enemies, but at the same time, they can also weaken and attack each other. The main goal of the game is to reach the end, defeat the boss and after that attack your hopefully weakened opponent.

    My contribution:
    • Responsible for the design and implementation of all in-game UI elements with our custom engine tools.
    • Contributed to iterations upon the backend UI tools for inside the engine.
    • Worked on the core gameplay loop and all user feedback related elements.

ENCASED - AR Project

Encased Image


    Role: UI/UX Designer, Technical Designer
    Engine: Unity
    Platforms: MS Hololens
    Duration: 8 weeks
    Team Size: 6 members

    Description: "Encased" is an Augemented Reality proof of concept made for the client ThermoFisher Scientific. Within this conccept, we explored the possibilities of the Hololens and how each possibility could be used to make a game with underlying training purposes.

    My contribution:
    • Created all early-stage Hololens prototypes using the emulator.
    • Implementation of the Hololens SDK inside our version control software and making it function with our other tools.
    • Creation of user analysis and user personas.
    • Maintaining close communication with the client to iterate upon the design.

Slippery Slap (Global Game Jame 2019)


    Role: 3D artist
    Engine: Unreal Engine 4
    Platforms: MS Windows
    Duration: 48 hours
    Team Size: 6 members

    Description: Slippery Slap is a single-player hack and slash game where the main goal is for the player to defeat the enemies blocking his path. Gain a combo to power up and release your daughter from the evil scientists.

    My contribution:
    • Designed and iterated upon the core concept and art style.
    • Created and implemented 3D models into the game.
    • Created a color hierachy and visual consistency within the game.

ATX-Pengu (Global Game Jame 2020)


    Role: 3D artist
    Engine: Unreal Engine 4
    Platforms: MS Windows
    Duration: 48 hours
    Team Size: 6 members

    Description: ATX-Pengu is the sequel to Slippery Slap. Within this game, the player controls an anti-virus penguin. This game is a single-player top-down shooter where the players' main goal is to roam around the map and defend the different computer components.

    My contribution:
    • Created and implemented all 3D models into the game.
    • Iterated upon art assets on request of level designers.
    • Optimization of different parts of the project.

Techno Jammers (Game Off 2019)

Techno-Jammers screenshot


    Role: 3D artist, technical designer
    Engine: Unreal Engine 4
    Platforms: MS Windows
    Duration: 6 Days
    Team Size: 3 members

    Description: Techno Jammer is a 3D parkour platformer made for the GitHub game jam on The main goal of the game is to find all music track discs and reach the ending without falling into the water below the city.

    My contribution:
    • Created and implemented 3D models.
    • Implemented the music and the audio visualizer system.

GBS International (proof of concept)

Main player area GBS


    Role: Technical designer
    Engine: Unreal Engine 4
    Platforms: Oculus GO
    Duration: 10 Days
    Team Size: 2 members

    Description: This Oculus GO project was created as a small technical demo of how VR could help with easy to repeat steps without using real-life equipment.

    My contribution:
    • Created the entire demo, the models are from GBS and are implemented using Unreal Engine 4 new Datasmith pipeline.

Hypoxia (academic project at BUAS)


    Role: Technical designer, UI/UX designer
    Engine: Unreal Engine 4
    Platforms: MS Windows
    Duration: 2 weeks
    Team Size: 8 members

    Description: Hypoxia is a small puzzle game where the player needs to traverse through the environment while having a limited oxygen cable distance. He needs to dodge the enemies and make it safely to the end to escape.

    My contribution:
    • Worked on gameplay design.
    • Created puzzle moments and level sections.
    • Placement of the modular art assets within the levels.