In Depth

Mach-E Customizer - Solo VR Project

  •  Solo developer
  •  1 person
  •  15 weeks
  •  Ureal Engine 4
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    The Mach-E VR customizer was part of my graduation process at Breda University of Applied Sciences. The project goal was to increase my technical skills in Unreal Engine 4 while working with a client to deliver a proof of concept. The concept focused on creating a three-dimensional experience of the Ford Mustang Mach-E, were potential customers could easily explore the vehicle. Sadly due to licensing, the project was never developed further, but positively received by Ford Wensveen.

    Role(s): Solo Developer
    Engine: Unreal Engine 4
    Platform(s): Meta Quest (2)
    Duration: 15 weeks
    Team Size: 1 member
    Context: Academic project created at BUas

Mach-E Customizer (VR) Gameplay


Project Description: The Mach-E Customizer is a VR experience proof of concept developed individually in collaboration with Ford Wensveen. The project's aim was an easily accessible VR experience for customers of all ages where they can create their dream Mach-E and experience the entire vehicle in a three-dimensional space afterwards.

The biggest challenge for this project was the optimization. Getting everything to run smoothly on the Meta Quest 1 was a huge challenge initially. However, it did result in several learning opportunities.

My contributions

This project was developed on an individual basis. However, I did consult Ford Wensveen for feedback and help with competitor analysis, but the application was created individually. Disclaimer: the Mach-E 3D model was optimized but not created by me. Credits for this 3D model belong to HKV Studios

In the section down below I will go into more detail about my contributions and challenges, more information can be provided on request:

    UI/UX design:

  • Several UI/UX considerations were among them a robust interface suitable for hand tracking. The challenge was creating a consistent response to the client interaction while hand-tracking physics can be finicky sometimes.
  • As seen in the gameplay video above, additional care was put into transporting the client from the customizing environment to experiencing the care. The illusion was held up via the feeling of an elevator.
  • A couple of test moments using the .JSON analytics plugin from Unreal Engine 4 showed that most users experience the car by touching it. Sadly hand tracking cannot provide haptic feedback to overcome this interaction points were created so that users could still open all doors and explore the vehicle.


  • The application was initially developed to run at 90 FPS on the Meta Quest 1. This development practice lead to a smooth 120 FPS experience on the Meta Quest 2.
  • Additional care was put into balancing realism and performance, creating several custom shaders for glass and car paint.
  • As mentioned in the section above, the Mach-E 3D model was not created by me. This led to the model undergoing several optimization cycles in order to run on the Meta Quest. (I did create customer rims for the car)